Hog Killing Time
February 01, 2020
Come join us at the Old South Farm Museum & Ag Learning
Center in Woodland, Georgia for an Old Fashioned Hog Killing School on
Saturday, February 01, 2020. The program will begin around 8:30 a.m.
- 8:30 a.m. Hog Killing, Scalding & Scraping Class
- 9:30 a.m. Cutting of Meats Class
- 9:45 a.m. Demonstrations
- Chitterlings Cleaning - Casings Scraping
- Sausage Making
- Lard Making
- Cooking Skins
- 10:0 a.m. Demonstrations
- Processing Heads
- Making Brunswick Stew
- Meat Curing
- Lye Soap
- Cracklins
- Smoking Meats (Smoke House Operation)
- 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
- 1:00 p.m. Continue workshops
We have specialist teaching classes at various stations
to explain meat processing. Each specialist will repeat demonstrations
several times during workshop.
Two Groups of Participation
Class Participant - (Observer) Attends
classes and receives FREE sausage.
Workshop Participant (Hands On Experience)
Attends classes and receive several bulletins on Sausage Making /Meat
Curing AND 10-15 pounds of FREE Pork Products. No
Meat Will Be SOLD except sausage.
Shady Grove Baptist Church will serve breakfast and lunch at the
Museum for a reasonable cost.
Pre-Registrants will pick up their paid receipt and get
their name tag at the front door of the Museum when they arrive. No
receipts will be sent back. Please Call To Confirm If You Wish.
Your registration includes touring the Museum. Use the
link below to mail with your payment to the Farm Museum. Credit Cards can
not be accepted.
Registration Deadline: January 27,
The Georgia Peach Story
This new book from author Paul Milner Bulloch provides a
comprehensive history of Georgia Peaches. Bulloch, former County
Agriculture Agent of Talbot County, Georgia researched over five years
gathering information, photographs and interviewing growers and sellers of
those involved with Georgia's peach industry. The book can be purchased by
calling 706-975-9136. The cost is $15 per copy with $3 shipping &
